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AliveSim:  An Advanced Skill-Driven Learning Platform for Medical Education


More AliveSim Examples

Full Treatment Decision Example – HIV

This shows a full multivariant decision. It illustrates:

  • How participant’s see what their peers recommended
  • Nuanced coaching in a complex disease state
  • Beginning of shared decision-making concept

Shared Decision-Making Example

This example illustrates how to use a shared decision-making approach to identify patient preferences for various treatment options.

Diabetes Management – Coaching on Comorbidities

This decision example navigates a challenging misconception.

Patient Interaction - Oncology

Patient re-evaluation after initial treatment. This brief interaction sets up next treatment decision.

Example of Differential Diagnosis – MS

One virtual physician is at the level of the learner while the second one is an MS expert. After each decision, the expert provides coaching to both the virtual physician and the participant.

This creates a 3-way conversation that immerses the learner in virtual practice with coaching.

SDM - Patient Adherence Problems – HIV

This scene sets up a difficult shared decision-making situation around adherence.

Recognizing the Most Optimal Treatment with Coaching

Example of discovering the optimal treatment and coaching on how to manage the patient with that option.

Reset Decision Example to Experience Multiple Options

This type of decision allows participants to see how various approaches play out to recognize an optimal approach. It’s a good fit for role playing and experiencing “what great looks like” compared to alternatives. Here, various approaches to shared decision-making are contemplated.

Full “What If” Decision Example

This one is a bit long but shows a participant’s experience.

This example shows how we can change up a clinical situation to improve pattern recognition on how to individualize treatment for each patient.

It also illustrates coaching on each decision, personalizing the feedback based on learner’s choices.

Atopic Dermatitis – Teenage Patient Interaction

Discovering patient preferences in advance of a patient management decision.

When to Use and Not to Use a New Drug Option

In this example, a newly approved option was not a good fit for patient, but the coaching enabled the learner to understand where to use it (later in the simulation).

Complex Patient Presentation for Sleep Disorders

This shows an example a complex presentation that sets up clinical management decisions.

Nuanced Coaching Feedback in Dynamic Conversation

Participant is asked to decide what an expert sleep specialist would do in the situation. The other virtual physician is at the level of the participant, and asks questions to draw out the clinical nuances.

Managing Patient Over Time – HIV 

Example of a follow up visit for a patient with HIV. Their new symptoms and lab results will require an adjustment in the treatment strategy.

This illustrates how AliveSim can simulate patient management over time.

Child and Parent – Pediatric Narcolepsy

Review of sleep study results with child and parent before deciding on next steps in clinical management.

Evidence-based Decision Making - Oncology

Example of expert clinical feedback on each decision in managing a patient with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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